graphic design diploma advanced entrance

Graphic Design Diploma - Advanced Entrance Info session

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³Õ°ä°ä’s Graphic Design Diploma — Advanced Entrance program concentrates on conceptual thinking, understanding audience, problem solving, design theory, technical expertise in Adobe Creative Cloud, and both print and web development.

Advanced Entrance candidates require a certificate in a similar program from any other institution in Canada or abroad or a previous Digital Graphic Design certificate from ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ. Advanced entrants join the second year of this two-year, full-time program.

Classes take place at ³Õ°ä°ä’s Mac lab overlooking beautiful downtown Vancouver. Courses are taught by experienced professionals using a practical curriculum relevant to today’s fast-changing graphic design industry.

Second-year diploma students will not only learn design and web theory, but also operate a hands-on design studio that is open to the public and will take on real clients.

See our space

Take a look inside our campuses! Many ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ programs rely on specialized equipment and hands-on experiences, and we're working hard to keep students learning safely in our classrooms, labs, kitchens, and workshops.

Broadway campus

1155 East Broadway

Vancouver, B.C. V5T 4V5


Downtown campus

250 West Pender Street

Vancouver, B.C. V6B 1S9